colonial architecture of its facade and its traditional districts , such as San Martin and the Plaza de San Francisco , under whose portals are located the two main cenadurÃas that exist in the City.
Location : The State of Campeche is located in the southeastern part of the country and southwest of the Yucatan Peninsula , while the municipality of the same name is in the northwest of the entity. Bordered on the north by the Municipality of Tenabo , east and southeast by Hopelchén , the south by the Municipality of Champotón and west by the Gulf of Mexico .
Directions : Campeche has two airports : one in the city of Campeche and one in Ciudad del Carmen , as well as an airfield in Xpuhil . Federal highway 180 connects the capital Merida Campeche . From the boardwalk to the city you have to go north to take the road to Merida . In this route , called the " Camino Real" you'll find about 33 km Tenabo Municipality , the smallest state . About 20 miles later you will reach the Municipality of Hecelchakán and 30 km later, Calkinà . Just outside the municipal seat of Calkinà still heading to Merida , is the town of Bécal , famous for its hippie hats , taken together with the hipiles of mestizo women , one of the distinctive crafts of Campeche.