between the sixteenth and nineteenth centuries , undeniable example of colonial ancestry, which in turn , contrasts with its modern industrial life. Fair AlfeñiqueLa religion and mysticism of the town is evident in the vast diversity of religious and cultural festivities are the purest example of the folklore of his people.
To sample holding dead on in November in Toluca portals with its traditional Alfeñique Fair , where death is represented in sweet acquiring various shapes, colors and textures in the hands of local artisans. Also, to the delight of visitors , Toluca offers plenty of natural attractions unsurpassed beauty, hardly found elsewhere in the country. Therefore, besides their high cultural level and busy modern life , the city of Toluca has excellent open spaces with breathtaking scenery , ideal for outdoor activities such as camping environment , archaeological exploration or simply of contact with nature and activities designed to forget the stress and acquire new vigor.
In Toluca there are around green areas with lush vegetation and fauna , and a nice quiet atmosphere where you can set up your tent, enjoy a clear sky and absolute serenity.