Tuesday, October 28, 2014


Founded in 1526, San Francisco was the first Acambaro population Guanajuato legal ground. On October 22, 1810 was declared the Army Headquarters of America and Father Hidalgo, recognized as "Generalissimo of the Americas."
The eighteenth century important religious and civic buildings were built. The acambarense colonial architecture consists of ornate temples, fountains, bridges and homes. The city has over

130 historical monuments and are considered by the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH) and architectural gems.


Cultural and tourist attractions

Temple of San Francisco and its cloister. The convent was built in the eighteenth century is an elegant and sober Baroque, has a beautiful courtyard with 16 pillars and features a monumental fountain.

"Temple Hospital. Its facade is framed by an arch (single arch) decorated with images carved in stone, in the hand of the Indian artist note. Inside is a pulpit carved in stone completely. This temple is encircled by what in the past was the parish atrium and today is a small square where you can admire its facade, and the Franciscan Convent of Santa Maria delle Grazie, in which central courtyard stands a fountain beautifully carved with baroque decoration. Archery set consists of arches, which are ornamented with figures representing characters from the Catholic Church. Next to the convent is built the present parish of the city, which is earlier in its annex building to the cloister. This church was built around the year 1532, and its character is classified as tetequitqui (Indian-Christian art of the sixteenth century in Mexico, representing the complex sociopolitical and religious dialogue and the process of acculturation among indigenous and Spanish ).

Santuario de Guadalupe. Worth a look inside with four frescoes by the painter Pedro Cruz, which details the arrival of the Franciscan order at American lands and the construction of the convent of San Francisco. In the sacristy three pillars carved in stone and a painting of the eighteenth century, who represents the family tree of the Virgin of Guadalupe have.

To Church or Promise. Built by the villagers in the mid nineteenth century, who promised to build it if it came to an end an epidemic had broken out in the region and began to decimate the population. It has a neoclassical facade. It is located next to the church of San Francisco.

Temple of San Antonio. Built in the eighteenth century, inside you can see the central altarpiece, decorated with colorful woods bathed in a silvery tint, one of the most distinguished temples in the city. It has a wide nave and atrium very attractive.
Chapels. They were erected in order to pray during Holy Week ordeal during the eighteenth century. You can still admire three of the 14 that existed in former times. »

Taurine source. Also known as Stack Eagle. It was built to commemorate the first bullfight in New Spain in the sixteenth century. It features various scenes of bullfighting; artistic style is not well defined.

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Acambaro museum. Here is an important archaeological treasure and hosts various parts Chupícuaro culture and crafts of the region and historical documents of the city.

The Aqueduct. Built in 1528, is one of the first hydraulic works in Mexico during the conquest. It has nine arches, semicircular arched way, one arch is adorned with sculpture of Mr. San Jose.


Coronation of Our Lady of Refuge (January 8). Religious Celebration, including pilgrimages, native dances and fireworks.

Regional Fair (from June 30 to July 11). Annual show in honor of Our Lady of Refuge, with cockfights, parades, native dances and fireworks.

Foundation of the city (September 19). Local party with different cultural encounters.