Berlin Wall
Woman greets on the Berlin Wall.
Woman greets on the Berlin Wall.Known as the Wall of Shame, he was
raised as part of the intraalemanas borders and stood from 13 August 1961 until November 9, 1989, when it was demolished. The wall separated for 28 years to East Berlin from West Berlin and the GDR.
Berlin CathedralKnown as the most beautiful church in the city of Berlin, this is Berlin Cathedral (Berliner Dom in German) temple of the Evangelical Church in Germany.
The three art galleriesThe Alte Pinakothek, the New and Modern Art, have within the various artistic expressions of the greatest representatives of European art.
Siegestor - Gate of Victory (Munich)
Siegestor - Gate of Victory (Munich)
Siegestor (Victory Gate)
Built to commemorate a war by the Bavarians over the years and destruction suffered by Germany generated this monument is destroyed, however after reconstruction it became an emblem of peace within the city of Munich.
Kölner Dom (Cologne Cathedral)The Kölner Dom is one of the most majestic cathedrals in the world. It is located in the city center. Some of the treasures that guards inside are for example: the golden urn with the remains of the Three Kings, the Stefan Lochner triptych.
Cathedral of San Bartolome
West Tower of the Cathedral of San Bartolome in Frankfurt.Römisch-Germanisches Museum (Roman-Germanic Museum)This important museum is located in the city of Cologne and contains important pieces of Roman art both as peculiarities of German culture, becoming very popular.
St. Bartholomew's Cathedral
In the 50s, this building was the tallest in the city of Frankfurt, with more than 96 mts. high.
Goethe-Museum and Goethe-HausThis is the house where Goethe (1749-1832) was born and proceed most of his youth.
Museum of Hamburg History (Museum für Hamburgische Geschichte)Hamburg Kunsthalle
Art gallery Kunsthalle in Hamburg.
The museum has spectacular displays and exhibits dating from the time of the Störtebeker pirates, to the history of the Beatles at the Star Club, plus interactive displays. The remarkable thing is that the rides includes English captions.
Hamburg KunsthalleIf you are taking a break at Café Liebermann, it is advisable to go to admire the art gallery located inside the premises. The gallery features works by important German painters dating from the fifteenth century French Impressionists and Andy Warhol.