roundabout the angel of independence
The Federal District as the city where the main historical events that occurred in the developed country, has countless historical monuments being the most popular and recognized the following: monument to the
Mexican Revolution, the Independence Monument, Monument Raza, a monument to the mother, the Heroes monument Children Emiciclio Benito Juarez monument to Alvaro Obregon and many more.
Mexican colonial art
National Museum of History
Located in the Castle of Chapultepec, neoclassical building with subsequent adjustments. Historic in itself and with a splendid view of the city site. Tel. 55 53 62 02 55 53 62 24.
Museum chapultepec
National Art Museum
The stunning turn of the century building that houses the collections of colonial, modern and contemporary Mexican art; apart from the value of the works, the building is an attraction in itself. Tacuba 8 Center.
Antiguo Colegio de San Ildefonso
This wonderful set of three-story buildings, dedicated to temporary exhibitions of various themes. Justo Sierra 16, Centro.
Ex-convent Culhuacán
One of the few examples of architecture and painting of the sixteenth century New Spain. Morelos 10 esq. Taxqueña and Calz. Tláhuac.
Museum of the Basilica of Guadalupe
It offers a collection of paintings, objects of worship and of course guadalupanas images of all ages. Annex to the ancient Basilica.
Cathedral Museum
Located in what was the old Seminary, has portraits of illustrious bishops and religious pieces. (Temporarily closed)
Museum of San Carlos
The spacious and harmonious building that was the home of the Count of Buenavista, designed by Manuel Tolsá the late eighteenth century. Contains the collection of European art at the Academy of San Carlos (s. XV to XIX) and Mexican sculpture of the nineteenth century. Puente de Alvarado 50, Col. Tabacalera.
Museo Franz Mayer
Located in what was a hospital building of the sixteenth century and was restored and adapted to contain a huge and valuable collection of colonial American art, and Asian eo europ. This set was classified chronologically and thematically to function as a museum of applied arts. Leaving six permanent galleries is reached where several faculty representative quarters of a mansion novohispana ambientaron. Museográficos services has a historic auditorium bibioteca and temporary exhibitions. Av. Hidalgo 45, Alameda.
Museo del Carmen
Located in the historic convent of the Carmelites, providing a unique environment for the collections it houses.
Av. Revolution No. 4 and 6 esq. Monastery, San Angel. Tel. November 16, 77 56.
Palace of Iturbide
In the house built by Francisco Guerrero y Torres for the counts of San Mateo de ValparaÃso. It is one of the finest examples of eighteenth-century mansion. In the main courtyard temporary exhibitions are mounted. Isabella No. 44, Centro.
Pinacoteca Viceregal San Diego
Within the walls of this convent building of noble dimensions include many of the paintings of Spanish and novohispanos authors. Doctor Mora No. 7 Centro. Tel. 5510 20 79
Modern and Contemporary Art
Antigua National High School (Colegio de San Ildefonso)
Great set of buildings whose galleries were painted several murals in the twenties by Ramón Alva de la Canal, FermÃn Revueltas, Jos & eacut e; Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera and Jean Charlot. Inside major temporary exhibitions and cultural activities are offered. Justo Sierra 16, Centro.
Museo Rufino Tamayo
Building to be built museum in 1981 by the architects Teodoro González de León and Abraham Zabludovsky. The tour is done on slopes rooms. In these works of important contemporary artists in the world is. The museum organizes temporary exhibitions on topics and authors of our time. Paseo de la Reforma and Gandhi, Polanco. Tel. 5286 65 19.
Room David Alfaro Siqueiros Public Art
Documents and testimony of the life of the Mexican painter in what was his home and studio in your library is also preserved. Tres Picos No.29 Tel. 5545-5942
Museo de Arte Carrillo Gil
Building four levels connected by ramps that exhibits enriched Alvar and Carmen T. Carrillo Gil Collection. Abarca Mexican, European and Japanese authors. It has a specialized library. Av. Revolution 1608, esq. Altavista, San Angel.
Museum of Modern Art
Group of buildings with circular galleries. In the halls of the permanent collection of works from the Mexican School of Painting of great importance is. In the other rooms very relevant temporary exhibitions are offered.
Paseo de la Reforma and Gandhi, Bosque de Chapultepec. Tel. 55 53 63 13
Museo del Palacio de Bellas Artes
Inside this eclectic important building, begun in 1904 and finished in the post-revolutionary era connoted murals are several works. In their showrooms can be seen cutting international exhibitions and artistic events. On the third floor the Museum of Architecture is located. Av. Juárez and Eje Central Lázaro Cárdenas, Centro.
Palace of Fine Arts
Museum of San Carlos
The spacious and harmonious building that was the home of the Count of Buenavista, designed by Manuel Tolsá the late eighteenth century, is the collection of the Mexican Academy of Arts. Puente de Alvarado 50, Col. Tabacalera
Cuevas Museum
In the former convent of St. Agnes works of this Mexican artist is. Academy No. 1, Center.
Alameda Museum
Contiente Diego Rivera mural called Dream of a Sunday Afternoon in Alameda historical-symbolic theme. Solidarity Square.
National Art Museum
Housed in what was once the imposing building of the Ministry of Communications in 1910 completed its rooms in selected works of Mexican art are exhibited, from Colonial times to the twentieth century. Tacuba No. 8, tels. 51 30 34 00, 10 and 11, Centro.