industrial processing of coffee by excellent architectural design where you can find all kinds of commerce, surrounded by nature, without the concern generated by vehicular traffic.
Sucre Park, which is part of the Open Skies Mall, is an example of modern and familiar. Sucre Park, icon commercial and social development of the city, today, is a sign of modern Colombian architecture, its extensive and intelligent spaces retain the very nature of the region with modern pool and meeting areas, which highlights the giant Ceiba giving shade and coolness to all visitors. Parque Sucre in a placahomenaje preserved the writer Carmelina Soto, considered one of the largest Colombian poets, and another course, a bust in honor of Antonio Jose Sucre, the Venezuelan national hero known as "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho".sucreBolivar Square Armenia, like the Sucre Park, is mixed with the Open Skies Mall. Bolivar Square is the most important meeting place for Armenia. Has among its attractions the Monument to the effort, great artwork made by the important sculptor Rodrigo Arenas Betancourt (Colombia pride). Surrounding the square you will find comfortable seats to sit down and talk, take a good coffee and receive a pleasant lustracalzado service. In the Plaza de Bolivar you will find the imposing modern building of the Governorate of Quindio (the tallest building in Armenia), and the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, icon of the city for its modern architectural design conceived by Guillermo Collazos Rubio under the bishop Martinez Vargas baton.squareFounders Park is another of the geographical and historical references of the city. It was built in 1963. Its design is a map of the city. In the central part of the park is the monument to the founders: the trunk and ax, sculpture maestro Roberto Henao Buritica which was inaugurated on the fiftieth anniversary of the city, on October 14, 1939. On the south side there is a monument to main Jesus Maria Ocampo founder Toro, Tigrero, and his wife Maria Cardona Arsenia Buitrago, erected in 1998 by sculptor Orlando Londoño. It's a mound, like a large stone on top of which there are some tiger heads, reflecting an ancient tomb, where the remains of the couple are.foundersQuimbaya Gold Museum is perhaps the most important architectural work of Armenia, and one of the most important in Colombia. Its design, by renowned architect Rogelio Salmona, was deserving of the National Prize for Architecture in 1986, the year it opened. Valuable pieces of goldsmith incredible work of the Quimbaya culture that inhabited the region for many years, are presented in this space, in addition to the Gold Room offers sites for children's reading, workshops, exhibitions and concerts. Plus an outdoor theater with seating for 300 oro2Armenia has among its most important architectural works, The Coliseum Cafe, a sports arena with a design that looks like the shape of a flying saucer, surrounded by greenery. The Coliseum seats approximately 9000 spectators. In the Coliseum coffee, sporting events basketball, volleyball, table tennis, dance and cheerleading are performed, among others. Although it was also often hosts concerts and art events before the arrival of Metropolitan Convention coliseumSince pre-Columbian times, the territory now called Quindio was occupied by different indigenous groups, including the Quimbayas were the most remembered for his brilliant works goldsmiths community.The City of Armenia was founded on October 14, 1889 by Jesus Maria Ocampo Tigreros, also called "The Tigrero" Alejandro Suarez, Jesus Maria Suarez and 27 other settlers, by a document signed on a ranch located at Carrera address 14 streets 19 and 20, is currently the center of Armenia.In early settlers thought to call "Villa Holguin" seeking honor the then President of the Republic, Carlos Holguin Mallarino, but on hearing the news of the massacre by the Russians in a region of Bessarabia called Armenia in the Caucasus, and also there was a farm with this name, in what today is the race 19 with street 30, changed his mind to the founders to choose the name of Armenia.On 15 August 1890, Armenia became village of Salento and was declared a municipality in 1903. In the beginning, Armenia was the department of Cauca. In 1908 happened to be the Department of Carthage, but in the same year it eliminated and Armenia joined the Department of Manizales, that name change in 1910 and was called again, Department of Caldas, with had been called to be created in 1905.Armenia was, was baptized by Guillermo Leon Valencia as "The City Miracle" in recognition of the strength and kindness of its people, and its rapid urban development.In the year 1999, precisely on 25 January a strong earthquake de6,2 degrees on the Richter scale shakes Armenia, leaving a toll of thousands of victims and damaged its buildings and roads. This fact served to demonstrate the strength and tenacity of Quindio department in general. Today Armenia is constituted as a modern and friendly city, focused on the development of ecological tourism and industry. Armenia today is characterized by modern and contemporary architecture, the preservation of representative buildings of colonization coffee and the development of its tourism infrastructure.Armenia Hotel presents to his city, the so-called Miracle City, capital of Quindio department history Coffee located in the Colombian Andes. It is also recognized for its standard of living for its tranquility and commitment to nature that provide fresh air and a nice green landscape throughout the city.