Chiapas enjoys a complex geography that makes it one of the few states to have among its regions, greater representation of floristic elements , fauna and geography of Mexico. Chiapas is a great melting pot of opportunities for study , knowledge and fun for travelers of all latitudes seeking contact with nature ; tourist offices around the world place him within the top destinations in
Mexico and Central America, while in Mexico , are increasingly groups of tourists have to
Chiapas as the premier destination on your next vacation .
The natural beauty of Chiapas represents an attraction that is strongly associated with social development and that means a very important role in the development of its economy platform. From north to south and from east to west, covering the natural beauties and project in Chiapas worldwide.
Rivers, lakes and waterfalls of Chiapas are among the first natural wonders of Mexico , beginning with gaps Montebello , Miramar and lakes of Columbus , past the waterfalls of Agua Azul , Misoljá , Bridal Veil , The Chorreadero , Las Golondrinas , Las Nubes, San Vicente, Cloudburst , all formed from the many rivers and colorful among which the Grijalva and Usumacinta majestic , the latter the river throughout Central America.
Chiapas has over forty protected areas , from which some are national assets that are protected by the state government for the development of a conservation awareness among the society. Montes Azules , El Ocote , La Grave, Sumidero Canyon , The Crossroads , Montebello among others, form the most important natural reserve in southeastern Mexico , and provide habitat for particular species of flora, among which the variety
largest wild orchids and forests that keep animals such as jaguars , pumas , tapirs and an impressive diversity of bird species.
Far from its origin , the word serbocroatakarst , assumes a special significance when it comes to the Chiapas subsoil. Since the formation of valleys , ravines , canyons , ditches , potholes , poljés and caves, karst landscape of Chiapas has a variety of outstanding tourist activities in any form and compared with the best of its kind in the world . The Rio La Venta Canyon with traces of pre-Conquest use in their cave walls by ancient burial platforms Zoque region ; Chasm The Parrots lined by a heaping evergreen forest of these small birds that give the place names right; the caves of Guaymas, the San Cristobal and Teopisca retain a special interest for avid underground adventure. The main and most known geological element Chiapas and gives your image for this shield -do is encasing the Grijalva since leaving Chiapa de Corzo until processing into Manuel Moreno Torres Dam , known locally as Chicoasén : the Sumidero Canyon . Its high walls give life and meaning to the historical basis of the formation of Chiapas , as well as biodiversity ranging from small spider monkeys to crocodiles, waterfalls and accompanying formations based on lichens that are already part of the landscape of the entire region .
The beaches and coastline in general have a feature that few states are as present as in Chiapas.
Privacy, tranquility, wildness of the simple life form a paisajeque offers travelers stay away from the bustle and large shopping malls , which face the enjoyment of natural elements like few other places in Mexico . Puerto Arista , the Dead Sea , Boca del Cielo are proof of this factor in Chiapas beaches. If from Tonala can eat - zar the expedition to the beaches , from Mapastepec until Pijijiapan , you can visit the mangroves that have a degree of adventure very special to this type of tourism , and the wildlife that inhabits this area including are aquatic mammals and birds such as herons and pelicans, increases the sense of adventure for visitors. At the southern end of the coastal strip of Chiapas , Tapachula crown the Soconusco region , escorted by Tacaná volcano whose summit is the highest point of the entire state territory.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Chiapas spectacular geography
# Chiapas
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Chiapas spectacular geographyMay 01, 2014
Chiapas enjoys a complex geography that makes it one of the few states to have among its regions, greater representation of floristic elements , fau...